Planning a Kitchen Extension in 2020

For many households, the kitchen is the very heart of the home. It’s a focal point where family members gather each morning and evening to prepare meals, eat and talk. A room with such a multi-functional purpose and importance is therefore vital to get right in all aspects.

If you are struggling for space, creating space for a bigger kitchen with a new extension could be the answer..

Looking for beautiful kitchen extension ideas? Let us attend your property and offer our in house architect to brings your ideas to reality. Transforming a cramped layout into an inviting modern space for living, dining and entertaining.

One of the most popular building projects for homeowners, the kitchen extension can create a big open-plan room with space for dining and seating. As well as adding more space it can also increase the value of your home, if you decide to sell, too.

Do you need planning permission for a kitchen extension?

Building an extension. Planning permission is not required provided that: The ground area covered by the extension and any other buildings within the boundary of the property, excluding the original house, is not more than half the total area of the property.

Planning a kitchen extension or looking for inspiration because you’ve set your heart on creating a large open-plan room with space for cooking, dining and perhaps even lounging or entertaining?

The transition from inside your new kitchen extension needs to be as seamless as the transition from the original part of the house to the new room. This means putting exterior doors to the garden in a place that looks natural and is practical, both from inside and out.

Bi-fold or sliding doors that lead straight on to a patio or deck will help you make the most of the indoor-outdoor relationship within the space, creating a more successful finish.

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The Modern Day Construction Company

Here at Foster Construction Ltd we believe we are a modern day construction company offering our clients the bespoke and reliable service they deserve. We are small team of professionals, offering a unique service tailored to your needs and requirements. We aim to break the traditional conventions in the world of roofers and builders, and truly break the mould with our distinctive identity and customer satisfaction being a high priority.

We know that when it comes to construction works, people firstly want reasonable prices, but also the reassurance and peace of mind of hiring a professional company with insurances, certifications, and experience.

We also know that there is no greater peace of mind than from a previous customers’ un-biased review, which is why we ask all our customers’ for a review of our services, and regularly publish these on our website. Further reviews are also available upon request.

We pride ourselves on standing out from the crowd with our friendly and professional approach; this includes every initial face-to-face meeting and site viewing being carried out by our Director and Founder, Matthew Foster.

All works are project managed and signed off by Matthew. Our customer service does not end on completion of works, we see you as a client for life, and will always be on hand to answer questions.

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A guide to garden rooms & planning permission

In many cases, Garden Buildings are considered Permitted Development and don’t require planning permission. This is as long as the building is to be placed less than 2.0m from the boundary of the property with a maximum overall height of no more than 2.5m from existing ground level. However, in some cases depending on your location and area type, planning permission may need to be granted.

In the event of planning permission being required, this is a straightforward application, so don’t let it put you off! At Foster Construction Ltd we can either guide you through the process, or fully assist you and carry this application out as your agent.

We can construct bespoke garden builds and together we will design your new space, whether this is to be used as a garden room, garden office or garden gym! So if you are considering a new Garden Room at your property, contact Foster Construction today to find out how we can help.

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Conservatory Vs Orangery, which should you go for?

As times have moved on and conservatories have become a slightly dated way of adding and creating more space to your property, at Foster Construction Ltd we offer a vast amount of options to create that additional space within your property, whilst adding a key focal point with natural light.

We offer new build orangeries if the budget allows or we can tailor retro fit options using your existing space and adding state of the art modern and traditional lanterns, everything is possible!

We would suggest an Orangery extension over a conservatory, as this will add the natural light required along with added space you require. The great outcome from this also would be that a traditional or modern newly constructed home extension will highly likely add to your properties overall value.

If you are considering a new Orangery Extension at your property, contact Foster Construction today for a no obligation meeting to discuss your requirements.

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What to consider when planning a new extension

Prepare a brief

This is your project so make sure you get exactly what you want. Produce a written brief, including detailed drawings where possible, and give a copy to each builder who provides you with a quotation.

Obtain more than one quotation

Ask at least three builders to quote on your job before making an informed decision. Look at the breakdown of costs and ensure they are all quoting for the same scope of works. If some seem a lot cheaper than others, ask how they will achieve the same quality of work at that price, in comparison to your other quotations.

Check what’s included

This ties in with the above. In every situation when redeeming quotations for your new home extension you need to read the quotes carefully and check that they include everything you would like done. This includes things such as the removal of rubbish, site waste and the specification of any fixtures and fittings.

Talk to previous customers

Go and visit the current or last project the builder’s worked on. Most reputable traders will be more than happy to show off their previous work and while you’re there you can get a personal reference from a genuine client.

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